The trustee board ensures the good governance of the scout group and has responsibility for finance, safety and property. Our Trustee board is made up of former leaders, parents and supporters of the group and their range of experience and expertise is invalauble to the running of the group. Leader representatives are also involved in trustee meetings, but are not trustees, to provide ensure there is a strong link between the sections and the management of the group.
Meet the Trustees
Mick Potter (Chair)
Tony Marriott (Vice-Chair)
Inez O’hara (Secretary)
Paul Dickson (Treasurer)
Jane Bourne (Group Leader Volunteer)
Keiron Griffin (Nominated)
Pam Cole (Elected)
Tony Smith (Elected)
Tracy Kidd (Elected)
Christine Powell (Elected)
Tony Ship (Nominated)
Annette Dickson (Elected)
Sub Teams
Mick Potter
Paul Dickson
Jane Bourne
Tony Marriott
Tony Marriott
Inez O’Hara
Andrew Logan
Tony Ship
Stephen McGinty
Christine Powell
Nicola Collis
Community Events
Nicola Collis
Stephen McGinty
Toni Owens
Pam Cole
Stephen McGinty
Kieron Griffin
Joshua Willingham
Activity Permit Compliance
Jane Bourne
Training Compliance
Jane Bourne
Andrew Logan
Derek Johnston
Tony Ship